Course curriculum

    1. Learning Objectives

    2. Introductions - About Us

    3. What are stereotypes?

    4. What groups or individuals are subject to stereotypes?

    5. Bases for Stereotypes

    6. Why does stereotyping occur?

    7. Why are stereotypes harmful?

    8. Prejudice

    9. Discrimination

    10. Examples of Stereotypes

    11. In Northern Ireland … common stereotypes may be related to:

    12. Sectarianism

    13. Can you think of any sectarian beliefs?

    14. Reflections

    1. Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination 1

    2. Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination 2

    3. Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination 3

    4. Workbook Answers

About this course

  • £30.00
  • 18 lessons

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